Monday, July 16, 2007

Tired of shit on a silver platter

So, had to make a blogspot for class, and well... if there is one thing I hate more when I'm in class it is having to 'use' macs, if you can call it that. These macs have ruined more projects, wasted more time, and encouraged my blood pressure to rise than anything I can think of. Let's face it, nothing is designed right on these 'machines'. I have to spend a couple minutes each time I work on one fixing things to workable settings. I mean, the fruit and other buttons are in the wrong places, so I have to change that and the mouse is set to default mode of 'useless' most of the time. The mouse is a failure- first off, it's designed to be used as one button, which means that the second button and the scroll are fucked up. The reason is because the mouse is supposed to 'sense' these buttons, or something like that, and be pretty. Well, my pc mouse had that tech 20 years ago- it's called TWO FUCKIN' BUTTONS. Not that hard, get with the times. Then comes the fun of 'working'. The things crash every few days I use them. And this is random crashes- no warning, no slow downs- the damn OS is just plain unstable. I've had more crashes on these macs I've heard of and experienced in total on all the PCs. There is no access to anything like a system tree- when things fuck up, you just hold the power button. And I have yet to find a single SINGLE advantage on these very shinny clunkers.
And take a fun look at how things eject- first off, you drag things to the trash can to delete them. That makes sense- I mean, when I want to remove something safely I think toss in trash bin. And then I got to screw around with the CD drive. Wow, these cases are so slick, they don't have buttons! That means we have an eject button on the keyboard. Because I want to be dependent on my keyboard for access to the most stable info input/output device. What if the keyboard driver fails? And why would you want it there anyway? When you are opening the drive your hand needs to be AT the drive, not the fuckin' keyboard! It's completely illogical at first glance, but there is a pattern to these failures- they make everything 'pretty'. It's smooth, shinny and clean. The mouse is so smooth it looks like a vibrator. And the neo hippie/yuppie hybrid youth eat this shit like it's soma.

I still hold up the challenge, someone name a single, solid positive feature about a mac that doesn't involve look or their slick ad campaign, I'd love to hear it.